
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Nobody Loves the Kitten

So in addition to one 3-1/2 year old running around, we also have three pets.

Youk, our 22 pound tabby. Nine years old, he enjoys sleeping, sleeping and sleeping. He also thinks of me as his very own private property.

Next up is Jacques, also known as Jacquesee Muppet because there is nothing but stuffing between his ears. He's a two year old Super Mutt rescue from Louisiana and we like to joke that he barks with a Cajun accent.

Last is our kitten, Peep. Nine months old, I fully admit that she is my replacement baby. Born on Friday the 13th, she is The Best Black Cat in the World. And the other three can. not. stand. her.

I didn't realize just how much jealousy was going on, though, until just last night.

It started a couple of days ago. Peep was sleeping in my lap when my son came into the kitchen, saw her there and started to freak out. He began demanding that I pick him up. Pick him up. Pick him up RIGHT NOW and he proceeded to shove the kitten out of my lap and curl up in it himself. OK then.

Then, the next day I was petting Peep on the floor of the living room. Suddenly the giant Muppet comes running over, shoves her out of the way with his nose and inserts his head beneath my hand for petting.

Finally last night I was up in the middle of the night with my son, with the stomach flu. (Joy.) Peep was curled up in a cat bed outside the bathroom door. I was waiting for my son to finish in the bathroom, so I started petting her. Suddenly I heard a thumpthumpthumpthumpthump across the floor. It was Youk, and he threw himself between Peep and my hand, effectively cutting her off from more petting.

I'm a little worried about what the three of them will do when we finally get a real baby in the house.

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